Monday Morning Prayer Group

Keeping with the Ignatian tradition of being people for others, our ministries are an opportunity to put our faith into action while building community. We invite you to discern how to share your gifts with others!

Join us on Mondays after the 11 a.m. mass when we pray for the needs of the faithful and reflect on the scriptures in a joy-filled atmosphere. We meet every Monday in the Education Centre's Chapel. No specific time commitment is required and all are welcome. It's a great way to begin your week.

We are men and women of varied backgrounds and ages. We strive to be informed Catholics who remain faithful to our commitment to pray for those who seek our prayer support. Prayer requests come from near and far.

Following our designated prayer time, we enjoy fellowship and coffee as a family — a community— where confidentiality and concern for others prevail.

A little history of our group
In 1988, the Archdiocese of Winnipeg embarked upon a three-year program of spiritual renewal known as RENEW. St. Ignatius was one of many parishes that participated.

To aid in the success of RENEW, The Prayer Network Committee was given the task of forming a solid prayer base for the entire three-year endeavour at the parish level. Through a “powerhouse of pray-ers” a link was established with some 225 worldwide prayer partners: Jesuit missionaries, priests, religious seminarians, religious orders, lay people, school children, 30 scripture study groups, elderly and shut-ins. We shared mutual prayer support in a very vital way.

The completion of RENEW prompted the real need for prayer in our troubled world. Strengthened by the close bonds that had formed, we became The Monday Morning Prayer Group.

